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SMART Recovery Program

Live Out Your Best Future

Take the first step toward addiction treatment by contacting us today..

group therapy session in a smart recovery program in mississippi SMART Recovery is an international recovery program designed as a free support network for individuals who have completed addiction treatment programs. SMART Recovery is one of the Pick Your Path recovery program options recommended to Woodland Recovery Center Mississippi patients. 

Here’s everything you need to know about what happens in a SMART Recovery program in Mississippi, so you can decide whether this is the right recovery program for you. 

Pick Your Path at Woodland Recovery Center Mississippi puts your addiction treatment plan into your hands. Don’t worry—our clinical experts are here to advise you every step of the way. Contact Woodland Recovery Center Mississippi today at 662.222.2989 for more information on patient-directed addiction treatment.  

What Is SMART Recovery for Addiction?

SMART Recovery has been around since 1994. Today, free recovery support meetings are held around the world. SMART stands for “self-management and recovery training.” The program follows four points: 

  • Enhancing and maintaining the motivation to abstain
  • Coping with urges
  • Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
  • Balancing satisfactions

SMART Recovery is unique from other recovery programs because it takes a science-based approach to addiction recovery. Materials strongly emphasize self-reliance and gaining the understanding and skills to overcome addictive behaviors and build a fulfilling relationship with yourself.

Woodland Recovery Center Mississippi encourages patients to consider participation in SMART recovery for addiction as one of the Pick Your Path program options. SMART Recovery is a popular, successful recovery program with a wealth of recovery resources and a strong community. 

How Do I Participate in SMART Recovery?

SMART Recovery groups hold regular meetings around the world. You can find a SMART recovery program in Mississippi on the website’s online directory, or you can participate in online meetings. 

Meetings are led on a volunteer basis by a trained SMART Recovery facilitator. A meeting begins with a reading of the welcome text. Then, participants are encouraged to check in and share any challenges or successes they’ve experienced. 

Meetings emphasize group discussions. SMART Recovery offers many tools, texts, and worksheets, and meetings integrate these into conversations. Speaking isn’t mandatory, and members work to create a welcoming, inclusive environment. 

Is SMART Recovery Right for Me?

At Woodland Recovery Center Mississippi, we know that what works for one person may not work for another. That’s why we emphasize the importance of choosing the recovery program right for you. 

We don’t care which program you choose—our role is to inform and empower you to find the community that best supports your long-term recovery. 

Choosing a SMART addiction recovery program in Mississippi might be the recovery choice right for you if you resonate with any of the following descriptions: 

  • Programs that emphasize a higher power, spirituality, or faith aren’t right for you 
  • You value evidence-based and scientific insights into addiction recovery
  • You’re looking for a recovery community that delivers podcasts, videos, and more
  • You don’t care for emphasis on concepts like “addict” or “alcoholic” 

If any of these sound like you, joining a SMART addiction recovery program in Mississippi might be the path that aligns well with your values.

SMART Recovery at Woodland Recovery Center Mississippi

Woodland Recovery Center Mississippi offers the Pick Your Path approach to addiction treatment because we understand that values, needs, and recovery goals can differ widely from one person to the next. That means there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to finding the right recovery program. 

We encourage our patients to explore different recovery programs during treatment and offer guidance in choosing the recovery path that best suits an individual. We believe that when patients are empowered to direct the course of treatment, they’ll remain in the driver’s seat and continue doing the work of building a lasting recovery. 

For more information on Pick Your Path and our unique approach to patient-led treatment, give Woodland Recovery Center Mississippi a call today at 662.222.2989